9 x 1 Prize
- Vanrobaeys Superstar Germany with Youngsters coeff. 130,243
1. Vanrobaeys Superstar best Youngster in Germany coeff.17,11
- Champion in Provincial (Youngsters) 28 Prizes 1. General Champion Union 91 Prizes
1. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union)
1. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in Provincial)
- Champion in the Union (Youngsters) 30/30 Prizes
1. Champion in the Union (Youngsters II) 30/30 Prizes
1,2,3,4,5,6. Best Youngster in Union
1,6. Best Youngster in Provincial
2. best Youngster TIPES Championat 2023 Germany
2. Champion for the German Championship (BT -Zeitschrift)
2. Champion in the Union (old birds II) 65 Prizes
2. Champion in the Union (Yearling) 30 Prizes
2. Champion EDV in the Union
2,7. Best pigeon in Union
2,6,8,9. Best yearling Cock in the Union
3. Best cock in Provincial 3. Champion in the Union (Old birds)
3,6,7. Acepigeon Union cocks
3,9. Acepigeon Union hens
3. Champion for the German Championship (Union) 21 Prizes
3. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union) 3. Champion in the Union (cocks)
4,5,6,9. Best yearling Cock in the Union (yearling list) 4. Champion in the Union (hens)
- Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union; yearling birds 6. Champion in the Grand Union (Old birds)
7. Acepigeon Provincial cocks
7. Acepigeon July Union
8. Acepigeon Juny Union
9. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Provincial)
22. Champion GERMANY Youngsters