1,3,4.   Acepigeon May Union

1,8,15.  Acepigeon May Provincial

1. General Champion Union 98 Prizes 

1. Champion in the Union (Youngsters) 30/30 Prizes

1. Champion in the  Union (Yearling) 32 Prizes

  1. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union ; yearling birds)  18 Prizes

1,2, Best hen in the Union

1. Best yearling Cock in the Union  12 Prize

2. Champion in the Union (Old birds) 59 Prizes

2. Champion EDV in the Union

2. Best cock in the Provincial

2,4,8,10.  Acepigeon Union cocks

2,9.  Acepigeon Union hens

  1. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Union) 30 Prizes
  2. Champion in the  Union (hens) 55 Prizes
  3. Champion in the Union (cocks) 54 Prizes

2. Champion in the Union (old birds II)  63 Prizes

3. Champion for the German Championship (BT -Zeitschrift) 36 Prizes

3.  Acepigeon Provincial cocks

3. Best  cock in Grand Union

3,8,9,10,11. Best Cock in the Union

3,4, Best yearling hen in the Union  10 Prizes

  1. Champion in the Provincial (old Pigeons)
  1. Champion in Grand Union (old birds)

4.  best youngster in Provincial

5. Best  cock in Westphalia

  1. Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Provincial ; yearling birds)

8.  Champion for the German Championship (nominated in the Provincial)

11.  Champion for the German Championship youngsters (nominated in the Provincial)

11. Best hen in the Provincial

       22.  Acepigon May German

       71. Best  cock in Germany


Winner of Gold bar in Provincial